Washington Association of Career and Technical Administrators and our partners commit to:
Add a link on the content site to the WOVE Updates Meeting Schedule – During legislative session Time: 4pm every Wednesday Join Zoom Meeting Washington ACTE Legislative/Policy Goals for 2025 Draft: Overall - Clarify and simplify rules for approved CTE Programs: Resulting in greater ability for comprehensive secondary CTE to support workforce development in Washington State.
2. Return “Class Size Ratio” for all 6-12 CTE to 19.5:1 from the current 23:1. 3. Create a “45-day Grace Period” for temporary CTE replacements.
For further information or clarity please contact Tim Knue, Executive Director for Washington Association for Career and Technical Education: Tim Knue at tim@wa-acte.org or 360-202-5297 (cell) or Jesse Taylor, Coordinator of Strategic Advocacy: jesse@wa-acte.org or 253-208-9071 (cell) | Committee Members Paula Perryman, Olympia - CHAIR Great Northwest
King County
Southeast/South Central